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Analyzing the industries of components appliance, involved in production of goods for pets, unfortunately, we must admit the fact that the market is flooded with low-quality products, which are not only short-lived, but often harmful to animal's health. Mostly, elastic polymer products consist of vulcanized rubber, which contains heavy, toxic metals and of soft PVC or plastisol of poor quality, which is plasticized with dangerous phthalates and other health damaging plastisizers. 


Our team of developers faced the fact, that so far there were no any serious researches conducted in Europe, and there were no standards developed, establishing a number of requirements for manufacturers of toys and accessories for animals that minimize risks and ensure the safety of the animal. We pursued ambitious, but we believe achievable goals - to create high-quality toys for animals, while applying modern technologies and using safe materials, which would not contain any harmful components.

During the preparatory work, based on veterinarians, biologists and reputable dog breeders recommendations, we got acquainted with the Technological University of Texas research about the dangers of certain chemical substances for animals health.

The results of university research have shown that contained in the plastic and vinyl phthalate (Esters of phthalic acid ) and of BPA (Bisphenol-A), penetrating into the body of dogs, can cause hormonal changes, reproductive disorders, infertility and multiply the risk of cancer. Besides,
heavy metals and their combinations are highly toxic, can accumulate in the tissues, causing a number of neurological diseases.

For production quality standards it was decided to choose the standards of the European Toy Safety Directive for children - EN 71 parts 3 and 9 *, REACH and ROHS.

Thus, the materials, which are used in our manufacturing process are suitable not only for production of animal products, but also safe for producing children toys. BaxterToys Toys are made from high quality thermoplastic polymer - Forplast Z. This unique material has been specially developed in collaboration with the German laboratory for animal toys production and is our Company's "know-how".

Forplast Z - is a hypoallergenic and non-toxic material, which is odorless, soft, but has incredible strength and durability characteristics, low compression set and low density. It does not contain heavy and toxic metals (such as Lead) and it's also PVC and phthalates free. 

Toys produced from Forplast-Z are durable, flexible, have low permanent set, can withstand multiple bites and chewing and moreover are recyclable. Forplast-Z is weatherproof and due to its low specific weight, does not sink in water, what is important for games with animals in the open air and in the water. Models of toys are developed in collaboration with cynologists, dog breeders and trainers.

The aim of the restrictions, mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 9 of EN 71, is to minimize the impact of certain potentially toxic elements on children, while using toys, taking into account the potential damage of toys, ingestion of small particles as a result of bites, inhalation, exposure to skin and contact with the mucous membrane.

Toy safety directive EN 71 part 9 sets out the requirements for migration and content of hazardous organic compounds in toys, interacting with the child in accordance with the normal behavior of the child. The directive bans the use of allergenic fragrances and hazardous plasticisers and phthalates.

European toy safety directive EN 71 Part 3 sets the maximum limits for migration of 19 chemical elements, including heavy and toxic metals, restrictions on use of
components, containing carcinogenic, mutagenic chemicals and substances that are toxic to human reproductive system, bans the presence of certain allergens and other requirements for materials for the production of children's toys.

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